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Thursday, December 29, 2011

After Six Decades of Independence, Broken Bridges and Broken Promises

This article elicited a huge and interesting debate and at the same time, a very surprising gem of history, regarding the "true" architect of the Istiqal Mosque in Jakarta, Ir. Johannes Henri van Schaik. Someone should look into his son's claim.

After Six Decades of Independence, Broken Bridges and Broken Promises
Yohanes Sulaiman & Phillip Turnbull | December 01, 2011

Last weekend’s collapse of a bridge in East Kalimantan raised a lot of eyebrows. People immediately compared the quality of the 10-year-old bridge with Dutch-built infrastructure here that remains standing after decades. There are discussions of how much effort it took to demolish a single Dutch dam, in contrast to many Indonesian-made dams that only lasted for a few years before rupturing in floods.

All these discussions show how much different is the development mind-set of the Dutch compared with Indonesians.

While it is true that Dutch interests in Indonesia were mainly exploitative, to cart off Indonesia’s riches back to the Netherlands, the Dutch also realized that they could not exploit Indonesia effectively without building a strong infrastructure. Without strong dams, bridges, railroads and roads, highly efficient and profitable plantations would not have been possible. As a result, by the time the Dutch recognized Indonesian independence in 1949, they had left Indonesia with a legacy of infrastructure that would provide a strong foundation for Indonesian economic growth.

The professionalism of the Dutch administration in running Indonesia was emulated by Indonesia’s founding fathers. Understanding that the Dutch had viewed Indonesians as lazy, unprofessional and clueless in managing the country, the founding fathers set out to prove otherwise.

In the Volksraad , an advisory body established by the colonial government in the 1910s, people like Haji Agus Salim and Jahja Datoek Kajo showed their wits in advocating Indonesian interests. Both also contributed heavily in making Bahasa Indonesia the official language of the Volksraad. Even though the Volksraad was seen as a rubber-stamp body, the fact that both elders managed to persuade the Dutch-dominated body showed how professional and skillful they were.

During the economic hardship of the war for independence, our founding fathers also won respect from the Americans and even their Dutch adversaries thanks to their skill in managing the ragtag republic. The late George Kahin, a leading American expert on Indonesia, once recalled that when he met Mohammad Natsir in 1948, the latter was shabbily dressed. Even then, however, Kahin was highly impressed with Natsir’s skills and ability as a communication minister.

The post-independence era provided the opportunities for great minds like Mohammad Hatta and Sjafruddin Prawiranegara to shine and to create a better society. But unfortunately, independence also brought out the worst in society: people whose goals were simply power and money. It brought to power many who were and are just as venal as the Dutch in exploiting the country, with the difference being that they are not very efficient at it.

The statistics on civil servants provide a useful snapshot for the crassness of their rapacity. By early 1952 the number of civil servants in Indonesia was 571,243, compared with 144,974 in the Dutch East Indies in 1930, leading to Sjafruddin’s lamentation that government service had become a charitable institution.

The struggle between people who wished to build Indonesia into a modern society and people who demanded political power and economic wealth has continued to the present day. Even today the government seems incapable of providing an infrastructure to support the population, too distracted as it is with maintaining an outmoded feudalism whose intention is to protect dynastic wealth and privilege at the expense of social progress.

This attitude has no place in the 21st century, just as the former colonialism no longer has a place in Indonesia or in any accountable, transparent, liberal society run by professionals who recognize that the foundation of any society lies in the equality of all men and women and their right to share in the common wealth of a prosperous and just economy.

Yet today, if we pause and reflect, we can acknowledge, for all the time-conditioned faults and the unacceptable mentality of a bygone era, under the Dutch we did get roads that did what roads were meant to do. We also got thousands of well-managed plantations, the Bosscha Observatory, dams, impressive and tasteful public buildings and palaces, an efficient and clean railroad system, canals that worked, a disciplined army, an education system worthy of the name and a legal system administered in courts free of corruption. Under the Dutch we also had a fair proportion of politicians who knew what they were talking about, even if they were talking about the wrong things by today’s standards. Still, not bad.

While clearly the centuries of Dutch occupation and colonial administration, with all the concomitant injustices, were not a form of therapy for the Indonesian people, it is fair to ask: What exactly did we learn from that experience?

Building bridges that stay up is obviously not one of them. And that is indicative of other things we failed to make better than the Dutch. Perhaps deep down some Indonesians are no better than our past colonial masters. Perhaps they haven’t really learned anything. If that is the case, our overlords are now our own brothers and sisters. And that is a far worse, more humiliating occupation.

Perhaps it’s time to ask the Dutch back. At least then we knew where we were, even if we were in the wrong place. Most of us are still at the bottom of the pile. Some of us are even at the bottom of the river. But the government tells us we never had it so good and would have us believe how lucky we are to have them. Is that so?


6:03am Dec 2, 2011
A nice tongue in check poke at the administration.
First comment - sadly the nationalists take commentaries like this and chest beatings will occur - possibly the best distraction tool they have after a sex scandal
Second - 66 years and we are in a deep hole I feel with no obvious way out of the corruption, sectarian violence, rising wealth gap, rising unemployment, rising labour violence, rising military violence, growing separatism, disintegrating infrastructure blah blah blah that those with half a brain can see
Even the progress that has without been made is increasingly being challenged - I think of education as the most obvious. The standard of education of the 18 - 21 year old's we interviewed for our apprenticeship scheme this year meant that fpr the first time in 25 years we have not taken 10 on. Similarly the post grad studies we fund - usually we do 5 this year 1.
Meanwhile the elite get richer and more and more are exposed almost daily for what they are

7:25am Dec 2, 2011
Food for thought here.
Good luck with the trolls and/or knee-jerk nationalists on this forum...

2:43pm Dec 2, 2011
Australia was fortunate to avoid the curse of Dutch colonialism, who actually first founded Oz. Guys, nothing could be so bad that the heavy hand of the Dutch Reformed Church could be the magic wand for Indonesia. Salaiman/Turnbull for some reason justify the obvious need for small, lean, and accountable government by comparing the growth of the civil servants from Dutch 1930 to an independent Indonesia of 1952. But they have conveniently been Irvinesqe with there revisionist history. From 1929 onwards the world had the Great Depression, the rise of Japan and Germany, World War 2 which saw Indonesia again pillaged by the Japanese! Of course by 1952 Pak Karno would have needed a large civil service to get on with the job of nation building. Yes "civil service" has become a global growth industry, but Indonesia does not need Dutch number crunchers.

2:59pm Dec 2, 2011
@DrDez: I think the real problem here is identified by Mr. Sjafruddin Prawiranegara back in 1952, that the government service had become a charitable institution. With so many civil servants (your nepotism at work), the salary will have to decrease and thus the quality of the civil servants. Of course, this in turn drives away good teacher, and combined with massive graft and corruption within the education department, it is only a matter of time before the quality of education suffers. In essence, we are reaping the fruit of all these corruption and nepotism that started in 1950s.

3:13pm Dec 2, 2011
Yes. But here today, right now. After 43 years in this land I think it is the worst time I have ever known for wanton corruption. It exists at every level of our society, it is ingrained and seems almost genetic in nature. It saddens me to say I see no short term solution and with that curse everything else darkens. add to this a boat load of religious issues and growing separatist calls countered by increased nationalism - yikes.. Not a pretty time ahead

3:25pm Dec 2, 2011
@trueblue: We wanted to put in the recession of 1930s, but then we will give the editor the nightmare of trying to cut this piece down to 1000 words max.

Here's some data that I did not include in this piece: In February 1950, Sukarno gave the approximate figure of 180,000 federal civil servants and 240,000 Republican civil servants. The budget for 1950 envisaged a deficit of f. 1.5 billion, approximately 17% of the total budget. In 1952 the number of civil servants was 571,243: why would a nation need an increase of 150,000 civil servants in just two years?

Considering the relatively low education of Indonesians back then, let me spell you the reason: NEPOTISM.

If you don't believe me quoting Sjafruddin complaining about the massive increase in the numbers of civil servants, you can also read Bung Hatta's own memoir to find out that he was not that all happy with the ballooning of the numbers of civil servants (and military personnel) that eat up the government's budget.

3:35pm Dec 2, 2011
@trueblue: food for thought: if you are correct that Sukarno needed civil servants to build the nation, why both Sjafruddin Prawiranegara and Bung Hatta complained about that? Could it be that they actually saw the drastic increase as uneccessary, that these people just do nothing but fattening the layers of bureaucracy, leading to more inefficiencies and corruptions?

@DrDez: thus our tongue-in-cheek ending, asking whether it is the time to bring the Dutch back, though it seems that someone didn't get the joke.

4:33pm Dec 2, 2011
Just want to chime in and say I enjoyed reading this piece.

"What exactly did we learn from that experience?"

I would actually be quite interested to read about an answer to this question.

5:19pm Dec 2, 2011
The post independence govt was made up of crooks/gang bosses/mafia call them what you want who took pay back for helping the revolution. The President was even kidnapped prior to independence and held several days by a gang boss who surprisingly became ministers... The start was crooked and it just developed from there - The icing on the cake seems to have been the election of an ineffectual pantomime horse as president

5:57pm Dec 2, 2011
Yohannes-Sulaiman has provided historical data that I accept with respect to the ballooning civil servants "employed" in 1952. With respect to joking about ones inability to accept cute jokes referencing Dutch oppressors appears to smack of selective political correctness. But the tick given to Bung Hatta was curious, and the historical evidence does not portray Hatta as a champion of the orang kecil. Unlike Ibu Kartini who to this day is a champion of female emancipatation, Bung Hatta does not appear on the social security radar for the general populance. Prior to being the first Vice President, he spent eleven years in Holland gaing an upper class education. Not surprisingly he specialsed in Foreign Policy, and by 1960 he and Pak Karno were to put it nicely "not close". Now let's answer, or pose a reply to your capalised NEPOTISM. To this day Social Security in the Australian concept really only operates to serving/retired civil servants, with pensions, health cover. Thank Pak Karno.

12:08pm Dec 3, 2011
I hope you understand the relevance of your last post regarding the issue at hand - I did not.

2:11pm Dec 3, 2011
I'm with you Comello - I look forward to a reply from Yohanes

3:26pm Dec 3, 2011
Sorry for a contrarian (and another tongue in cheek) view. Other than Singapore and Hong Kong, and even then probably because they are small and full of resourceful immigrant Chinese, I can't think of any other ex-colony progressing well to become developed economies decades after independence. Perhaps "independence" was contrived consciously or unconsciously by its proponents to gain power they couldn't get otherwise, replacing colonial masters with not necessarily better local ones ?

4:05pm Dec 3, 2011
To add further, original scholarly research too dwindles post independent. The research and writing by the Dutch and the British during the colonial era - on local history and culture, flora and fauna, tropical diseases and the like have not been bettered. Raffles' "History of Java" for example remains a classic in the field.

4:40pm Dec 3, 2011
MikeOf Aston, the colony of Van Diemans Land (Tasmania) and the island to the north of it, the former colony of New South Wales,later to be called Australia (formerly New Holland) - are looking pretty healthy.

Re 'trueblue's' last comment, Dr Dez and Comello, - I admit to being a bit mistified also. Lost in the erudition. I am reminded of the words of of an apprentice who said of his boss: "He stopped by this morning for a couple of words. I did not understand either of them."
But I am sure what trueblue has to say is correct, up to a point, so to speak, kind of. Like others I await further enlightenment and clarification from both Yohanes Sulaiman and trueblue.

6:06pm Dec 3, 2011

It's the Legal system they inherited from the English.

I would also like to add that tertiary education was made available especially for Singapore and many went to universities like Oxford, and Cambridge.

Among others that they inherited, I believe the above were prime movers for their success.

The parting of ways with Malaysia was a stroke of genius by LKY. I know he showed despair and disappointment when Abdul Rahman decided to "kick" Singapore out. It was good politics at that time. I remember it very well.

6:20pm Dec 3, 2011
Sorry for being late in replying. Lots of works to do.

@trueblue: dunno which book you read, but I am pretty sure Bung Hatta was a champion in his own rights. True that Sukarno was a champion, but in my humble opinion, Sukarno was more of talk while Bung Hatta was the doer: pushing for the creation of cooperatives, etc - in essence, he talked very little but did a lot. You also have to look at the 1950s "as a whole," where Bung Hatta's authority was very constrained and actually he broke apart with Sukarno because he saw Sukarno as wasting to abuse his position as prez by playing politics at the expense of technocrats for his cliques in PNI's gains - which Hatta abhorred.

Hatta was trying to empower the society by trying to give them tools to succeed, not babyfeed them through bloated social security called civil service.

6:24pm Dec 3, 2011
@Mike: it depends on the leaders. In Singapore's case (not knowing well enough on HK to comment), LKY realized that he had to manage the state professionally because he afraid of Malaysia and Indo trying to absorb it should it not strong enough. More importantly back in 1950s the commies and labor union were on rise and he had to show Singaporeans he knew what he was doing otherwise he'd lose election and "strung on a lamppost" by the commies.

Fear of death was a great motivator to behave responsibly.

9:12pm Dec 3, 2011

You should not forget that LKY was associated in some form with the "commies" and he allied himself with labor kingpin Devan Nair. His nemesis at that time was Lim Chin Siong who fled, ironically to the UK.
Once again, I must say with some reservations, that LKY was a political genius and played his cards well, albeit in a dangerous manner.
The presence of ANZUK forces after gaining independence for both Malaysia and Singapore ensured a win-win solution. It was commonly called the five power arrangement.

If I am not wrong, LKY was actually in fear of MAPHILINDO, an integrated Malay-race formation in this region. Although it was non political, it was 'something' he recognized as threatening.

10:46pm Dec 3, 2011
@Valkyrie: I am not an expert on Singapore, so I might be wrong here and I really need to re-read all these diplomatic telegrams again after quite a while. It was among these telegrams that LKY told Lord Selkirk, then the British High Commissioner, of his fear that the commie was in ascendancy - that should he did a real election, the leftist part of PAP would be in power and he would be thrown out and strung on the lamppost. Whether he wanted to use the Commie-mongering is up to debate, though don't think that it was a coincidence when we realize the fact that Indonesia back then had the third largest commie party in the world. I don't think what I wrote about Indo-Malay threat is contradictory with what you asserted - regardless whether he was afraid of Malay supremacy movement or not, it is clear that Singapore is a "little red dot" and the need to survive (especially for him) was paramount.

5:44am Dec 4, 2011
@Yohannes-Sulaiman. Thank you for your lucid and measured response. My efforts as an Opinion dentist have not been in vain! It can be an arduous and painful procedure. The wisdom tooth has been extracted for DrDez, Comello, padt, and others who enjoy your contributions

9:08am Dec 4, 2011
I can see lucidity comes easy to you TB along with measured animadversion perhaps
Good luck with your new found profession - we are short of good extractions here as testified by the excessively high numbers of young unemployed.

6:44am Dec 5, 2011
The famous Istiqlal Mesjid in Jakarta is not build by only Indonesian.
In the 1950's nobody could build the greatest Mosque (in that time), because nobody knows how to make such a great building in a country where earthquake which was sensitive for buildings. And such a great building was never build anywhere.
There was only one man who could calculate the construction of the Mosque and that was my father: Ir. Johannes Henri van Schaik, a Dutch engineer. But the president Soekarno had forbidden that his name was mention anywhere. So the president gave an Indonesian engineer the honour...
My father Ir. J.H. van Schaik worked by the Dutch construction contractor company named: "De Kondor" with their office at Jl. Nusantara no 39, Jakarta, in the neighbourhood of the presidential palace.
This famous Istiqlal Mesjid still exist! Thanks to my dad.
When my father was ready with his calculations (given to the President), Soekarno, he threw my father and his family out of the country in 1958.

10:00am Dec 5, 2011
Nice story - thank you for sharing. One day when Indonesia stops blaming everyone and revisits its history perhaps your father will get his place in history. I hope so

3:23am Dec 6, 2011
Thank you DrDez,
I hope there is a historian, who may checked all I wrote. But I am affraid that it will be impossible, because it was top-secret.
I do not know (my father is passed away in May 2000) if the documents of the calculations still exist or maybe already destroyed. I hope that the documents are still somewhere. It could be on several places: by the presidential archives or by the archives of the several builders of the Mosque.

6:51am Dec 6, 2011
I saw that Jl Nusantara now is named: jalan Insinyur Hadji Juanda.
In the 1950's it was named Jalan Nusantara. The parallel road was named Jl Veteran. Why and when the street name was changed, I do not know.
We lived in the neighbourhood: Jl. Tanah Abang tiga, so I know the surround neighbourhood very good...
DrDez or others, please use these information.
(I found the new name by google maps).

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